The annual Christmas bazaar will be held at the village hall on Saturday November 24, commencing at 2pm.

Our Christmas bazaar is always a great success due to the support of villagers, their families and friends and we look forward to seeing you again this year.

Father Christmas will again be visiting us to greet children and the young-at-heart.

Among the many stalls will be tombola, games, cards and giftwrap, raffle and cakes.

Admission is 50p, which includes refreshment. All proceeds will go to village hall funds.


The Exhibition of Art by one of our villagers, Jessica Davies, enters its final week.

Anyone who is yet to visit the exhibition of Jessica's oil and watercolours, you have until this Saturday, November 17, to view her work, on display at the Maeldune Heritage Centre, Maldon.

Call 851628 for full details of centre opening times.


A very heartfelt thank-you to Scott Mallion and Joe Race, who stepped in to volunteer as house-tohouse collectors in aid of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.

They collected from the Batts Road end of the village up to the Sun & Anchor.

Too often, the younger generation are labelled as vandals and their volunteering shows that the majority of our younger community are responsible, mature and respectful.

Full details of total funds raised will be printed in our column soon.