COLCHESTER Hospital’s boss has hit out at “blatant profiteering” during the Covid-19 crisis after a firm offered up supplies at eight times the normal price.

Nick Hulme, chief executive of the East Suffolk and North Essex Trust, said he was left shocked and angry after being contacted by the unnamed business.

The company had offered coveralls at £16.50 each. Two months ago they were selling the same items for £2.

Mr Hulme said: “With everything there is supply and demand, if there is difficulty getting something or it costs more to produce.

“I don’t mind people making a bit more money. But to go from £2 to £16.50 is taking the mickey.

“I am inundated with up to 15 emails a day from companies in the UK and internationally offering all sorts of things. This company we had used before and when I looked back in January they were charging £2.

“You expect a bit of a price increase but this is blatant profiteering. We won’t be using them again.”

Mr Hulme said a message had been sent to other NHS trusts advising them not to use the firm.

“I think we have seen the best and worst of humanity,” he said.

“We have seen incredible generosity from the community making us items and schools using their 3D printers to make face visors.

“People have been donating food and giving gifts for staff and patients.”

Mr Hulme said the hospitals were donating surplus food to foodbanks and staff were also donating what they would normally have paid on parking to the charity.

The Colchester and Ipswich Hospitals Charity has also thanked the public for making scrubs.

More than 750 people have been making scrubs and the hospitals have been receiving hundreds of pairs a day over the last week.

A spokesman said: “The workmanship and quality of the garments you have made is outstanding and we are grateful to you all. We are delighted to tell you that the scrubs you have made together with those we know are already in production have ensured we will now have sufficient supplies.”