RESIDENTS across the Maldon district found ways to celebrate VE Day despite the lockdown.

Bunting, banners and Union flags were flown outside houses as part of the commemorations for the 75th anniversary.

Victory in Europe Day marks the day in 1945 when Britain and its allies accepted the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany, bringing the war in Europe to an end.

Residents took to their driveways and streets to hold street parties and enjoy the sunshine.

Maldon District Council urged residents to celebrate from the comfort of their own homes with a special online resource pack which included activities and recipes.

Maldon mayor Flo Shaughnessy visited the war memorial at 11am with husband Terry to remember those who gave their lives during the war.

Jeanette and Peter Stilts also attended to represent the Maldon and Heybridge branch of the Royal British Legion.

Mrs Shaughnessy and Mr Stilts both laid red, white and blue floral tributes on the memorial whilemaintaining a social distance.

The team behind the Maldon District Coronavirus Response also delivered cream teas and goodies to people who are self-isolating or shielding due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Volunteers from uniformed groups such as the Guides, Scouts and fire service joined the Salvation Army to deliver packs.

Sarah Troop, of Maldon and District CVS, said: “We wanted to do something nice for people to show that the community around them cares. There are a lot of people feeling anxious or worried and this is a way of showing them that there is support out there.”