The service on Sunday is a Family Service incorporating the Sunday School prizegiving, all are welcome and coffee/tea will be served afterwards.

A shortened service of Holy Communion will commence around 11.5am. Should you wish to enquire about baptisms, weddings or confirmations please contact Don Gordon on 740296.


Thank you for your support in September on the annual gift day which raised £213.24 for church funds. Your support is always appreciated.


This Saturday in the village hall between 2pm and 4pm, there will be lots of arts and crafts for great Christmas gifts, as well as the giant raffle and usual fun and games.

Santa's elves have told us that he will be able to visit during the afternoon too!

Raffle tickets are now on sale at the back of the church or from a church official (see parish magazine) at only 25p a ticket.

If you have any items for donation to the raffle, children's raffle, toiletries/gifts stall or the tombola please can you take them Nonnie at 5 Lawlinge Road - many thanks in advance for your kind donations and continued support.


The Swift Singers will be visiting Christ Church on Friday December 7 at 7.30pm, tickets are only £5.00 each and available now from Nonnie on 741771. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the village hall along with a raffle. All proceeds to church funds.


Play area - Phase I and II are both complete now and a safety inspection is awaited for phase II and then the whole area can be opened.

There will be an official opening dated to be confirmed where the funders will be invited along to see how their grants have been spend.

Community Initiatives Fund gave us £10,000 to phase I and £10,000 to Phase II, Essex Environment Trust gave us £7,500 on condition that the children raised £750 which they did by a sponsored swim, car wash and table top sales, in fact they raised £953. Corral run by Mr and Mrs Clayton raised £230.00.

Maldon District Council granted £1500 and the Parish Council fund raising committee raised £2,495 with various events over two years.

Ashurst solicitors in London contributed £300.00 thanks to Mrs Ruocco and Mrs Fitch who work there and live in the village. Barclays Outdoor Fund - £500.00 Zebra crossing outside the school - currently planning permission is being obtained to move the hedge back at the school to provide a wider and safer pavement, when this is done the crossing will be installed.

Hall - CCTV is fully operational and the protective cages and official notices are now up.

Speed indicator device (Sid) - the device has been used in Burnham Road periodically. Please let us know if you think there has been a marked improvement while in operation. The back plates will be installed at the other sites shortly so SID can be tried along The Street.

Dog fouling - this is still a big problem, especially in Lawlinge Road, and we ask everyone to remember to take a bag with you when you walk your dog(s) to clear up after them. Thank you.


The tea dance and bingo on Monday November 5 was not as well attended as we would have hoped.

However those who did attend enjoyed a nice cuppa and some home-made cake and a good laugh, unfortunately the numbers were not enough to play bingo. There is another one on Monday December 3 - £2.50 to include tea and cake and then if you want to have a game of bingo the card costs 50p. Starts at 2.30 finishes at 4.30. Come along and have some fun!

We would like to make it a regular event but need the support to make it worthwhile. The funds raised will go back into the club to maybe go towards a Summer beano, Christmas lunch etc.


The PTFA Christmas Bazaar is being held on Friday December 7 in the school hall between 4.30pm and 6pm. There will be lots of things to do plus face painting, raffles, tombolas and craft stalls. If you would like to book a craft stall please contact Megan on 744809.