AN annual fishing competition netted thousands of pounds for a blind veterans charity.

Holdfast Training Services Ltd hosted its second annual Carpers for Veterans fishing event on September 10 to 12.

The anglers competed to raise around £4,000 for Blind Veterans UK, a charity for vision-impaired ex-service men and women.

This exceeded last year's donations, when sixteen anglers took part in a two-day event to raise more than £3,000.

Event organiser, Mark Jobling, said: "The event brought together veterans, serving military and civilian anglers with the common aim of raising money for an extremely worthwhile military charity.

"We were proud to be a part of it and to raise as much as we did."

The annual event took place at Oak Lakes Fisheries in Southminster, a 60-year-old 10-acre lake.

Mark added: "The lake holds a good head of carp up to 30lbs. It also has a great head of bream and mixed coarse fish.

"Oak Lakes Fisheries is an outstanding venue with excellent facilities and hospitality."

As well as the competition, the weekend also involved a charity raffle and auction with many prizes donated by tackle and bait companies.

"The support which the event receives knows no bounds, and the generosity of all those involved, in particular Oak Lakes Fisheries and local businesses, is truly humbling."

To add to the event's fundraiser, visit

Blind Veterans UK has adapted its service due to Covid to support its 5,000 beneficiaries, 90 per cent of whom are 70 and older, and were advised by the Government to self-isolate during the height of the pandemic.

Support the charity's new service at

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