SCEPTICAL Colchester residents are being encouraged to “embrace” the town’s latest bid for city status after its proposal was officially confirmed.

Colchester Council is hoping to be awarded the coveted city status as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee next year and recently lodged a bid with the Government.

The application marks the fifth time the authority has attempted to secure the prestigious seal of approval which, if successful, could result in economic benefits.

But given the rich history harnessed by Colchester, some residents feel protective and question whether the town becoming a city is the right move.

Maldon and Burnham Standard:

Colchester councillor Darius Laws, who has spearheaded the campaign, has now asked those worried about the proposal to be openminded.

He said: “When the Romans came here 2,000 years ago there was no distinction between town or city - you either lived an urban life or you lived in the countryside.

“So, to those concerned about Colchester losing something, the answer is in the question, do you want city status? Status, prestige, honour – let’s embrace it.”

Colchester is one of 39 places across the UK and British Overseas Territories to have applied to win city status as part of celebrations marking Her Majesty’s 70-year reign.

As part of the application Colchester was described as a “self-confident borough” which has “evolved into a modern city,” and is the “focal point” of the region.

The proposal also boasted about the town’s distinct identity, civic pride, cultural infrastructure and its vibrant and welcoming community and record of innovation.

Its association with royalty and other distinctive features, including famous residents and landmarks, was also highlighted.

Maldon and Burnham Standard: Darius Laws

“City status isn’t simply about recognition of our history, traditions, achievements, royal and military connections,” added Mr Laws.

“It is an honour and a recognition of who we are as people and our values of tolerance, openness to change, ambition, and international orientation.

“We are becoming a top destination and by enabling this residents can share in the prosperity and enhancement of cultural, social and economic opportunities.”

The final decision on whether or not Colchester is granted city status will be made in Spring 2022.