FURIOUS Gazette readers have called for the Prime Minister to resign after he apologised to his fellow politicians and the public for breaking lockdown rules.

Boris Johnson appeared in the House of Commons where he delivered his first statement since being fined by the Metropolitan Police.

He was slapped with the penalty after an investigation found he attended a birthday party held in his honour in June 2020, despite strict coronavirus rules being in place.

MPs will now be given the chance this Thursday to debate and vote on whether the Prime Minister lied about his involvement in rule-breaking Downing Street gatherings.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak was also fined. 

Maldon and Burnham Standard:

Many Gazette readers remain dissatisfied with the conduct of the country’s leader and some have called for him to leave office.

David Shields said: “I won’t accept his apology as genuine and believe he should resign - he is unworthy of the position and trust placed in a Prime Minister.”

Vivien Collins has also been left enraged by Boris Johnson’s actions and says he has misled the entire country.

She said: “It's not just that he broke lockdown laws - the laws he created and insisted we live by - it's that he lied time and time again, to the public and to Parliament.

“More revelations are expected and if he can't tell the truth about the little things, how on earth are we expected to trust him about the things that actually matter?”

Megan Morgan says she has also struggled to take the Prime Minister’s apology as heartfelt but says it would be wrong for him to walk.

She said: “I don’t accept his apology, he knew full well what he was doing, however I don’t think it is appropriate from him to resign at this time.”

Party-gate has also resulted in some Boris Johnson devotees feeling unable to continue supporting the politician.

Maldon and Burnham Standard:

Nina Wright, for example, said: “I was all for this bloke as Prime Minister but he should be so ashamed of himself.

“He has let himself and everyone down so badly and his pathetic excuses and measly attempt at a so-called apology makes him look even worse.

“Take his post from him – he is an embarrassment to the UK.”