A WOMAN has been working on a project to help people who are struggling to afford food.

Michelle Olley, 49, from Tiptree, was clearing out her fridge and realised she often had too much food which she struggled to use in time.

She thought about everything in the kitchen that she doesn’t use and decided to set up a facility where people can donate their leftover food for others.

Michelle realised that there are many community fridges in the area and visited one at the Witham Community Hub, where she found they had saved 81 tonnes of food.

Supported by Maldon District Council, she is now working with Tiptree volunteers to set up a community fridge in the village.

She is expecting to need about 20 people to help with the running of the fridge.

They are looking for sponsors, both big and small, to help with funding.

Michelle estimates they will need about £6,000 to launch the service and they are looking for a shop in the village to set it up in.

Many have expressed an interest in volunteering their time to help set up the fridge.

Michelle said: “It is all moving very rapidly. I’d like to get it done and set up by autumn.

“I don’t want people to have to make a choice between eating and heating.

“It’s going to save a lot of people who are struggling.

“Food prices have gone up massively and families are really struggling and the elderly are really struggling.

“The fridge can benefit and support a food bank as we can supply fresh food as well.

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“We can take things from people growing their own or from people going on holiday.

“A fair number of people in our village drive to the Witham Community Hub fridge.

“I’ve got a number of people who have approached me as volunteers - I am building a little group of people who want to help.”

For more information, or to volunteer, go to the Tiptree Community Fridge Facebook page.