There is another opportunity this month to join the Little Totham Oil Drop. The last shared village delivery produced a saving of 5p a litre - a total of as much as £100 for at least one household.

No need to commit for the year - just take part when your need coincides with the group order. This will be made during the week beginning March 30.

Ring Siobhan Dellamico on 892783 if you want to take part or would like more information.


It's possibly the last chance to spot some of our winter wading birds on this month's rector's nature ramble.

Join Jonathan on the second Thursday in the month, at around 1.45pm on March 13 starting from Goldhanger Church.

Walks last between 90 minutes and two hours and finish with refreshments and a short act of worship in the church.


JUST one year after she realised a wish at the age of 90 - to climb All Saints bell tower - Mavis has been laid to rest close by.

Her daughter, Bella Darcy, says the escapade was typical of a woman who started life determined to succeed.

The weaker of twin girls, she was not expected to survive, yet outlived her sister.

With her husband Kitchener, to whom she was married for 68 years, Mavis moved to the village seven years ago.

During a very full life that included spells in Cyprus and Gibraltar, she was a Brownie leader and a talented needlewoman.

As well as making beautiful clothes, she taught smocking and knitting, reached Grade Four when she took up the piano as an adult and won several drama and speech medals when she joined an adult drama class.

Like her daughter, Mavis was a keen gardener and last year planted hundreds of bulbs. This spring they are providing a living memory of someone whose other legacy is that she was known as a lovely lady.


This is the festival that brings hope and forgiveness for each one of us - and there are plenty of opportunities to become involved.

Join in the village walk on Palm Sunday, March 16. Meet at Little Totham Evangelical Church at 10.30am and reach All Saints in time for the 11am Parish Communion.

If you can't walk, hitch a minibus ride so that you can join in at the start when the palms are distributed, or go straight to the church.

The procession will pause at the Millennium Cross for prayers and a hymn. Christians of all denominations and all are very welcome to join in.

At 8pm on Maundy Thursday, March 20, the two churches once again share a Holy Communion service to commemorate the Last Supper Christ shared with his disciples.

Good Friday morning at 11am is when all village children - of any age - are invited to create the All Saints Easter garden using greenery from the churchyard.

Wear old clothes and bring a hand trowel or garden fork.

In the afternoon, at 2.15pm, the joint choir of All Saints and St Peter's Church, Goldhanger, will sing excerpts from Steiner's Crucifixion accompanied by appropriate readings and prayers.

On Easter Day, celebrate the wonder of the Resurrection at 7.45am in All Saints, at 10.30am in Little Totham Evangelical Church and at 11am in All Saints when the service will be followed by an Easter egg hunt.


Get your brains into gear for another evening of tantalising questions and answers compiled by Braintree quizmaster Barry Waud.

The date is Friday March 28, the time 7.30pm and the venue Honywood Hall in Great Totham. Organise a team or come on your own and join in with another group.

As usual there will be tasty refreshments, a raffle and good prizes for the winners. The cost is £4.50 and proceeds go towards the restoration of All Saints' walls.

For more details or to book, ring Vivienne Smith on 891660.


OUR village pub is looking for a cook or cooks able to produce traditional pub food.

The hours are 9am to 3pm from Tuesday to Saturday plus Sunday lunchtime. Job-sharing is a possibility and pay is above the minimum wage. Anyone interested should contact landlord John Pascoe on 892689.

Look out for the welly-boot brigade at lunchtime on Wednesday March 12, when a group of ramblers will taking a break in our local.


The international Women's World Day of Prayer will be celebrated at All Saints on Friday, March 7.

Other church communities in the area are being invited to join in a day centred on the Christian church in Guyana.

Coffee will be served from 11am, followed by readings and meditation and a chance to find out something about the country and its people.

Lunch, with a South American flavour, will be served at 1pm followed by a service put together by the women of Guyana.

To book, contact Lorna Key on 891667.


With the arrival of new babies, the group has re-launched on a new day to fit in with their schedules.

Drop in to the warm church between 2pm and 4pm for a cuppa and a chat, and leave when the little ones get tired.

The get-together is not limited to village mums, so if you want to come with a friend, bring them along too.

This month's date is Thursday March 6 . If you would like a chat first, contact Angela on 892732.


There are two classes this month before the Easter break, held on March 10 and 17. The Easter holidays are March 24 and 31 and then April 7, and classes resume on April 14.

The 90-minute sessions are led by qualified yoga teacher Marion Pidgeon in the East Essex Scout headquarters, opposite Wickham Bishops Tennis Club in Great Totham Road, starting at 8pm.

They are suitable for all ages and all abilities and are ideal for relieving the stress of busy lives.

To find out more check Marion's website, email or simply telephone 852366.


For any parish matters, chairman Fred Chambers can be contacted on 891595.


There will be no meeting this month because of Easter. Anyone wishing to host the April gathering, please ring Vivienne on 891660.


Enjoy a time especially devoted to activities for the under-sevens. Listen to a story, draw a picture about it, plant some seeds - there are all sorts of activities during an All Saints monthly Story and Song session.

The next get-together in the parish church is on Saturday, March 8, at 10.30am.


To professional corsetiere Jane Marjoram of School Road, who has been accepted as a member of the Guild of Essex Craftsmen.

Lord Petre, Lord Lieutenant of Essex, presented Jane with her membership following an assessment of her work. She will be providing five corsets for permanent display at Hylands House in Chelmsford.

And congrats also go to everyone who packed All Saints for the National Marriage Week service ranging from one month married to 72 years covering two marriages.