Next Sunday April 20 Goldhanger Classic Car Club are taking part in the nationwide Drive Your Classic Day with an event at The Museum of Power at Langford starting at 10.00am. There will be time to admire the cars and chat to the drivers. At approximately 12.30am the cars will then depart on a scenic drive that will end at The Cricketers in Goldhanger for lunch. To make a booking for Sunday lunch or other food requirements at The Cricketers, please ring Sharon or Teresa on 01621 788468. The event promises to be well attended with many local cars being present. So if you have a car made before computers and ECUs were essential to ensure they ran you are welcome to join the event. For further details please phone Ken on 01621 788495.


FOLLOWING the change of landlords at the Cricketers the pub put on a grand opening evening with live music provided by rock and roll band Slippery Slope. The pub was packed for a very entertaining evening. Next Saturday they are holding a quiz and the following week there is live music again.

For further details phone them at 01621 788468.


ON Sunday April 27 there will be a charity walk starting outside Goldhanger village hall at 2pm and going in a circular route arriving back at the Chequers for a hot snack. The walk will be approximately five miles long taking in public footpaths. About half the route is along the sea wall. The cost is £10 per person and £2 for children with all the proceeds going to Essex Air Ambulance. A recent incident demonstrated how valuable the air ambulance is to residents in this area when in need. Ron Burns, a resident in Little Totham Road, suffered a heart attack needing urgent treatment.

Without hesitation the paramedic offered the use of the air ambulance but due to the good work of Tollesbury First Responders this was not necessary. He and his wife Audrey wish to pass on their grateful thanks for the efforts of the first responders and the emergency services. Ron is now recovering in hospital. To book in for the walk, please phone 01621 788432 to assist in assessing numbers for catering purposes and for any queries.


WHEN Ron Burns, of Little Totham Road, suffered a heart attack last week at his home, the first on the scene were Tollesbury First Responders. Use of the Air Ambulance was considered but due to the fine job of the first responders this was not necessary.

Ron is now recovering in Broomfield Hospital. Ron and his wife Audrey would like to thank the first responders for their excellent work. It is certainly reassuring to know that such competent help is close at hand in times of emergency living as we do far from the nearest accident & emergency hospital.


IT is with sadness I report that the oldest inhabitant of Goldhanger died last week. Eva Blighton was 101 and will be missed by all who knew her.