The services this Sunday is a Joint Parishes Family Communion commencing at 10.00am, all are welcome and coffee/tea which will be served afterwards.

Should you wish to enquire about baptisms, weddings or confirmations please contact Don Gordon on 740296. The choir will be rehearsing on Thursday at 4.30pm in the church for about half an hour; please feel free to come along to any rehearsal if you would like to join them.


If you have any experience playing an organ and can give up half an hour most weeks on a Thursday afternoon, Christ Church choir would really appreciate if you could come along and help them rehearse in the church at 4.30pm. Hope to see you there on any Thursday. If you wish to discuss this further, please contact Don Gordon on 740296.

100 CLUB

Can you spare some time once a month to walk a small route and collect money for the Church's 100 Club? It may only be a few houses in one street - the more collectors we have the less everyone needs to do. Please consider what you are able to do and if you can help kindly contact Nonnie on 741771 to discuss further. You can also contact Nonnie if you wish to join the scheme; £1 will buy you four numbers in a monthly draw. All proceeds to church funds.


Council meetings take place on last Monday of the month at 8 p.m.

(Except August and December when there is no meeting held) The Annual Parish Assembly will be held on 12th May, this is the meeting for you to bring forward your thoughts and ideas for the village.

If there is an item you wish to put on the Agenda please let the Clerk know no later than 2nd May 2008. Any problems please contact the Parish Clerk - Sarah Sayer on 773183 or e-mail on


This is still a big problem and we ask everyone to remember to take a bag with you when you walk your dog(s) to clear up after them.

Thank you.