AN individual has been arrested and charged with multiple offences after being stopped by police.

On Monday night, police arrested an individual after officers believed they were acting suspiciously in a vehicle in the Maldon area.

The person was stopped as officers suspected they were “concerned in the supply of drugs” and believed they had a fake driving licence.

A spokesman for Essex Police in the Maldon district said: “An individual in a vehicle was seen acting suspiciously by one of our observant officers.

“The individual was stopped and due to the circumstances, officers had reason to suspect the individual was concerned in the supply of drugs and also suspected they were in possession of a fake driving licence.”

Officers have now formally charged the individual and they will remain in custody until the case can be heard at a magistrates' court.

In an update, the spokesman said: “The individual has also been remanded into police custody. This means that they will remain with us until the case can be heard at magistrates' court.

“They have been charged with numerous offences which include being in possession of a counterfeit driver’s licence, no insurance and driving without a valid driver’s licence.

“The magistrates will deal with the individual in the morning and make an assessment of our evidence.”