MALDON District Council and contractor Suez have announced they will re-route waste and recycling service from July 23.

The re-routing will streamline waste collection and recycling, reduce fuel consumption and vehicle emissions, and improve “service reliability and responsiveness”.

A new calendar will be delivered to every household, as well as stickers on bins announcing the new collection days.

Further details of the changes to the routes will be available soon with social media updates, with the council opening a dedicated webpage at

Richard Holmes, director of service delivery at Maldon District Council, said: “We are re-routing refuse and recycling collections in the district to optimise collection routes, reduce carbon emissions and support our contractor Suez in maintaining a good waste service for residents, ultimately contributing to a cleaner and healthier community.

“I would like to thank our residents for their continued support as we work together to create a cleaner, greener and more sustainable future.”

Barry Dolphin, contract manager at Suez, said: “Our team is committed to delivering the most efficient service possible and we are pleased that the re-route will allow us to do this, while reducing our carbon footprint and enhancing quality.

“The re-routing will also help to future-proof the service in the longer term by taking into account new housing developments.”