FUNDRAISERS are celebrating after almost £2,000 was raised at its latest events evening.

The Maldon Marie Curie Fundraising group held its "very successful" Quiz Night at Heybridge Plantation Hall.

The group said Plantation Hall was full with visitors enjoying the quiz run by Maldon quizmaster Kevin Briggs.

A tasty dinner was also prepared by willing volunteers. 

Items auctioned included those donated by local organisations and companies, such as tickets for Soultasia, Motorfest, Smoke and Fire Festival and vouchers for Benton Hall and Sark restaurant.

A total of £1,950 was raised for the charity, whose work touches so many families. 

Every £23 donated supports an hour of free specialist Marie Curie nursing in the home of a loved one with a terminal illness, or within one of the charity's nine hospices.  

It follows on from the £2,000 collected by the group and its volunteers at Maldon Morrisons, Tesco and Claremont Garden Centre during the recent Great Daffodil Appeal. 

Group member Bridget Brennan said: "We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of Maldon people during our recent fundraising events and would like to thank all our volunteer collectors and all those who took part or helped in some way at the quiz night."

Further donations can be made at

If you would like to volunteer, contact the group on

For more information, Much more about the work of Marie Curie can be found on their website