A SUSTAINABLE teddy bear visited pupils from the Danbury Park Community Primary School to launch the as part of a recycling initiatives.

The ‘Teddy Loves It initiative’ focuses on recycling and was created by a family business based in Danbury.

dancing bear video was released this week to help encourage recycling with the bear’s “recycling dance moves”.

Pupils from the Danbury Park Community Primary School enjoyed an interactive assembly exploring how trees play a vital role in our world absorbing carbon dioxide and generating oxygen.

Interactive - The sustainable bear dancing with the pupilsInteractive - The sustainable bear dancing with the pupils (Image: Submitted)

They later learnt how recycling old and unused items helps to reduce landfill and create new products from the recycled material.

Children were further surprised when Sustainable Bear revealed that there is unbleached toilet tissue which is “soft and strong” that can be made from recycled cardboard boxes – with one tonne of recycled cardboard saving 17 trees.

The Teddy Loves it launch also comes at the time when schools across the country, including Danbury Park, have signed up to the ‘Let’s Go Zero national campaign’.

This is where teachers, pupils, parents, and their school as they all work together to be zero carbon by 2030 with one aim being to lobby head teachers to make changes themselves and as a collective.