A HUSBAND has paid a heartbreaking tribute to a mum of two who has died after a 12 year battle with cancer. 

Lorraine White was 37 when she lost her battle with the disease last month. 

Lorraine had endured 12 rounds of chemotherapy after first being diagnosed in 2012. 

She has been described as a “loving wife and incredible mother”. 

Lorraine, from Maldon, was first diagnosed with Neuro - Endocrine tumours of the pancreas in 2012 during a routine check-up for acid reflux which her family has a history. 

Doctors believed she may have had the condition since she was 15. 

Matt, Lorraine, Joseph, 12, and Amber, six, on a tripMatt, Lorraine, Joseph, 12, and Amber, six, on a trip (Image: Family)

Lorraine’s husband Matt, 37, said: “Fun, outgoing, and loyal Lorraine helped everyone else first”.

“She had the cancer for 12 years, but people did not know as she never made it an issue.

"She was so family and friends-orientated that if anyone needed anything, she would be there straight away”.

Matt, from Mersea, said that Lorraine had an ultrasound about a year and a half ago, where it showed was 54 per cent of her liver was tumor having spread from the pancreas.

Lorraine WhiteLorraine White (Image: Family)

Matt said since Christmas Lorraine was on a chemotherapy drug that she had to take every day

He said: “It’s been a journey and when I look at that journey, I am just pleased she is not anxious about scans or worrying.

“We got a phone call on Friday May 23 from Lorraine saying 'Matt I am really unwell, it is really aggressive' – 94 per cent of her liver was tumour and it was then only a week later, exactly a week later she died.”

Matt said their two children Joseph, 12, and Amber, six, were “doing well considering” and are both helping him keep on the “straight and narrow”.

As of writing £4,800 of a £5k target has been raised on a Go Fund me page for the family to go to Disneyland California a dream holiday, and one of Lorraine’s greatest wishes for her family.

Matt added. “I am from Mersea, she was from Maldon.

“The outpouring of love from all over this part of the country, Colchester, Maldon, Mersea, has been amazing.”

To donate visit: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-make-lorraines-dream-for-her-children-come-true