Tomorrow, voters will head to the polls to decide who will be the next MP for Maldon in the General Election.

While some of the candidates will be well-known to the electorate, there are some lesser-known faces standing to be your next MP.

So here are the candidates fighting for your vote and explaining why, in their own words, you should elect them to be your next representative in the House of Commons.

Simon Burwood, Liberal Democrat

Liberal Democrat - Simon BurwoodLiberal Democrat - Simon Burwood (Image: Public)

I am a Heybridge Parish and a Maldon District councillor and have lived in Heybridge with my family for more than 27 years.

Putting people at the forefront of everything I do in my local community is really important to me, whether it’s helping residents in my councillor roles, working locally with the Rotary Club or helping our young people in Cubs and Scouts.

The Conservatives have run down our local health services, as we can see from their proposed changes at St Peter’s Hospital.

It is a much-loved and vital community facility, which my family has used, including when my youngest daughter was born there.

The Conservatives’ lack of investment has also led to long waiting times to see GPs, even longer waiting times for ambulances, a lack of NHS dentists and an increase in mental health issues, especially in our young people.

The NHS, once the envy of the world, is now on its knees. We need to fix it and fix it fast.

It will be a huge task, but the Lib Dems are ready for it and ready to give everyone the opportunity to get on in life, wherever they start.

Maldon has also seen many new homes being built recently. Young people desperately need affordable homes but the Conservative councils and Government have failed to deliver the essential infrastructure.

I want to champion local people and their issues across the whole of the constituency and use my voice to raise these at a national level. Let’s work together to demand better of our government.

Isobel Doubleday, Green

Green - Isobel DoubledayGreen - Isobel Doubleday (Image: Public)

I volunteered to stand for the Green Party in this constituency because I think it has the right aims for people and the planet.

Housing is a huge issue. Affordable housing, as it is known, is 20 per cent under the local going rate, not very affordable round here.

I know there are young people in this area who are in work but cannot even afford to rent so they are often living in crowded conditions sofa-surfing.

Local infrastructure is broken in terms of the NHS, doctors, dentists, school places, transport and housing, one could go on and on… they are all in need of thoughtful, careful planning for the future which I believe can happen.

Meanwhile restoration of wildlife is essential and there are now well-planned farming and wildlife protocols that ensure food security and restoration of wildlife.

Renewable power is high on my list of priorities, creating jobs and ensuring Britain is tackling global warming with constructive, carefully worked out business plans.

I am a mother and a grandmother and care about family life and health and well-being for all people.

The Green Party will support individuals as well as families and work hard to ensure every child has a secure home with all that entails and a sound, broadly based education where the arts and vocational subjects are equally included.

I firmly believe every local primary school should be the best one so children don’t have to travel to get to school.

Onike Gollo, Labour

Labour - Onike GolloLabour - Onike Gollo (Image: Public)

I feel incredibly privileged to represent the Labour Party as your parliamentary candidate for Maldon.

Essex is my home, and I am deeply invested in its future, and the future of our country.

It’s time to rediscover ambition, to bring hope where there is weariness and herald a new dawn for Maldon constituency and Britain.

Labour has a focus on economic stability, and a plan to get our NHS back on track.

We are committed to spreading opportunity across our country so that we can tell our children and grandchildren that if you work hard and play by the rules, you will get on in life, something the cost of living has made so hard.

Over the past 15 years, I have built a successful career in a FTSE 100 business and I know that we need a government that can create new jobs.

I have held a non-executive position with a charity supporting young people who have been failed by the current education system, I serve as a school governor at an Ofsted outstanding school, have successfully campaigned to keep local libraries open, and am currently involved in a project to use the arts to support mental health provision for millions of young people.

I want to help build a country that cares for working people and is compassionate, with a government that will usher in economic change and that is eager to serve the public and improve their lives.

Pamela Walford, Reform UK

Reform UK - Pamela WalfordReform UK - Pamela Walford (Image: Public)

Born in Colchester, now retired, I live in Frinton-on-Sea. I was a Conservative Colchester Borough Councillor from 1998 to 1999 and was elected as a Conservative Councillor for Frinton and Walton Town Council 2017 and 2019.

Like many people I became disillusioned, disappointed and felt very let down by the Conservative Party who continually make promises and are constantly inconsistent in their decisions.

I joined Reform UK because I believe they will be consistent in their decisions, and I am thrilled and excited to be selected as PPC for Maldon Constituency.

I will be honoured to represent the constituents of the Maldon area, always being available to deal with any worries, concerns or issues they may have, and I am not afraid of speaking up for truth and justice.

We all know immigration must be tightly controlled for the sake of each and every one of us. Those coming in illegally have been allowed and even welcomed by many in power and certain charities and it seems they have priority over all of us.

I fully support Reform UK’s policy of bringing this to a halt. Likewise, we have a wonderful health service which is constantly being stretched to the limit as are all the medical staff by the extra demands put upon it by mass immigration into this country.

Again, something Reform UK and I are dedicated to change. By voting for Reform UK you will be putting the ‘Great’ back into Great Britain.

*All words taken from the Reform UK website as Ms Walford did not respond to the Standard’s request for comment.

Sir John Whittingdale, Conservative

Conservative - Sir John WhittingdaleConservative - Sir John Whittingdale (Image: Public)

It has been a privilege for me to represent the Maldon area in Parliament since 1992. During that time, I have served as a Select Committee Chairman, Secretary of State and Minister in Government.

However, my first priority has always been to speak up on issues affecting my constituents and to do my best to help any who ask for my help.

I live in Maldon and hold regular advice surgeries in Maldon, Burnham, Stock and South Woodham Ferrers.

Recently, I have campaigned to save St Peter’s Hospital and to improve local health services by organising public meetings, by lobbying health ministers and by raising the issue with the Prime Minister and in Parliament.

While I recognise the need for more housing locally, I am also concerned that it must be in the right place and supported by the necessary infrastructure.

Unchecked development in inappropriate locations will put yet more pressure on our road and local services, harming the environment and rural countryside.

I am therefore working with local communities to oppose unnecessary and damaging schemes such as the proposals of Lib Dem Chelmsford City Council to allow over 4,000 houses to be built at Hammonds Farm outside Danbury.

If re-elected, I will continue to stand up for Conservative values and do my best to make sure that Maldon’s voice is heard and listened to.