BOSSES of an Essex group welcomed an MP to its site as it has celebrated more than three decades in business.

Witham MP Dame Priti Patel met with Jim Irvine, operations and development director of the TCP Group.

Dame Priti visited their Maldon headquarters to celebrate their 35th year in business.

TCP has also reached the landmark of now holding 500 hydrogen-powered lighting towers in its fleet, which is believed to be the biggest fleet of hydrogen equipment anywhere outside of China.

TCP provides lighting columns and other equipment used on development and construction sites across the country.

Dame Priti toured the facility and met local employees who contribute to the enterprise that has been transitioning its equipment away from diesel and towards hydrogen fuel-powered technology.

After her visit, Dame Priti said: “I would like to thank Jim and the team at the TCP Group for inviting me to be a part of their 35th anniversary celebrations.

“It was a great opportunity to see the amazing work of this world-leading and innovative business.

“The advancement of hydrogen power is helping to support a cleaner energy system, promoting new ways of producing energy and helping businesses and individuals to transition from fossil fuels.

“I have always believed the way we protect our environment is through advancements in technology not taxes and TCP show how this can be done.

“I wish them well for the future and encourage the construction industry to use their products.”