RESIDENTS fear three historic oak trees remain at risk of being felled despite an order being put in place to halt any actions taking place.

The oaks, of which the oldest dates back as far as the 1700s, sit next on the Tolleshunt Knights playing field next to the village hall.

Villagers were concerned at the potential felling of the three trees, which were due to get the chop due to the believed damage they are causing to the adjacent village hall building.

A temporary Tree Preservation Order (TPO) has now been put in place, which prevents the felling.

The order took effect on a provisional basis on July 23 and will continue in force on this basis for a further six months, or until the order is confirmed by the council, whichever first occurs.

Old - These oak trees date back as early as the 1700sOld - the trees date back as early as the 1700s (Image: Credited)

The council will consider whether the order should be confirmed and therefore made permanent. 

Before this decision is made, any residents affected by the order can make comments either objecting or supporting the order about any of the trees within 28 days from the date of serving the order.

Village resident John Scott said: “I find that completely unacceptable because everybody uses the village hall and the playing field and it’s not just the residents that live near to it that are affected.

“I do have some sympathy with the councillors if they are being threatened with personal liability.

“The council should be carrying out surveys to determine what is causing the problem and if the trees do come down it should be done at their expense."

Belong - These beautiful trees have earnt their right to stay Nature - the oak trees next to the village hall (Image: Credited)

If Tolleshunt Knights Parish Council decides to submit a planning application to have them removed at the next meeting, it would likely have to go to committee for a decision. 

The parish council recently held a vote on the felling of the trees, in which four were against and one in favour.

Despite this, fears remain that once the trees come out of the TPO, there will once again be a threat to have them felled.

Another resident, who did not want to be named, said: "When this order runs out we will be back to square one and they are once again at risk.

"I hope an alternative solution can be found in the meantime."