AN art exhibition has kicked off in Maldon showcasing the town centre.

Maeldune Heritage Centre’s latest exhibition begins today, September 12, at the Visitor Centre in St Peter’s Tower in Market Hill.

Interestingly titled ’50 Shades of Maldon’, it is described as a “unique exhibition” featuring 50 original artworks of the town created especially for the exhibition by Essex urban landscape artist Mike Parker.

Mike has been busy all summer in his studio and on location producing a mixture of watercolours, gouache, pen and ink works around the town.

The paintings feature the quayside and estuary, marshland scenes, the fascinating barges, the promenade, prominent buildings, shops, restaurants, tea rooms and other local landmarks.

Even the local skateboard graffiti artist gets recognition.

Having spent last year travelling around the world on a painting expedition, Mike came back to the UK looking for a new creative challenge.

He said: As an artist I have always liked Maldon, visiting many times.

“The abundance of historical buildings blending with its industrial roots has always appealed to me.

“For my style of art, it’s the perfect subject matter, so my challenge was laid down.

“For a solo show, the Maeldune Heritage Centre is the perfect venue.

“The gallery area is just the right size so I can keep my exhibition contained and very personal.

“Thanks must go to Joye Colbeck at the Centre who has been helpful with planning and setting up”.

The exhibition runs through until September 28 and is open Tuesdays to Saturdays, 11am to 4pm. Entry is free.