A VILLAGE medical centre has been vandalised for the third time since August, with the centre now closed for appointments.

Trinity Medical Centre in Mayland provides services for many in the area.

However, the site had to be boarded up after another incident of vandalism, meaning patients must get medical care elsewhere.

The vandalism is said to have been discovered by a worker at around 7am on Wednesday before they were due to start their shift at the centre.

Doctor Brian Balmer, chief executive of the local medical committee said: “The centre has been attacked three times since August and every room which can be accessed has been vandalised.

“It’s sickening and the senior GP is appalled by what’s happened. It’s one of the last places I would expect something like this to happen.

“Those who did it apparently climbed over a tightly secured fence - I have no idea what goes through the minds of these scumbags.

“There is so many consequences as a result, for patients who now have to be diverted, staff could have been hurt and they are now scared following the incident.

“Trying to recruit doctors in the area is difficult enough without this happening.

“This centre is built for the community and now police are saying the centre needs to be boarded up.”

Essex Police is investigating.

Insp Sam Girdlestone said: “We were called to reports of criminal damage at Trinity Medical Centre in The Drive, Mayland, on Wednesday, September 11.

“The damage is believed to have occurred overnight, between 6.30pm on Tuesday and 7.30am on Wednesday.

“Our officers have opened an investigation and our enquiries are continuing.

“If anyone has any information, witnessed the incident or has any doorbell footage from the time of the incident, please get in touch quoting incident number 181 of Wednesday September 11.”

The centre has had to cancel all face-to-face appointments until further notice, but patients can still pick up their prescriptions from reception.

Patients can also continue to contact the doctors through EConsult or on 111.