ONE of England’s biggest school trusts has announced it will be banning phones during the school day.

The Ormiston Academies Trust is set to ban the device for students during schooltime.

The trust has schools across the country, including one in Burnham. 

Of these 42 schools, there are about 35,000 students of whom this new rule will apply to.

Academy - Ormiston Rivers Academy is one of the 42 academies who will be banning the use of phonesAcademy - Ormiston Rivers Academy is one of the 42 academies who will be banning the use of phones (Image: Credited)

A spokesman for the Ormiston Academies Trust said: “Moving forward and over time, we believe it is desirable for us to move to a position where children do not access their phones at all throughout the school day.

"Teaching and learning, behaviour and children’s mental health are all impacted negatively by mobile phones.

“Our schools are at different stages of the journey. A quarter of our secondary schools are piloting different approaches to this over the autumn term, and one is phone-free, where it’s been really successful and is popular with parents and students.

“We want schools to do this at their pace - they are best placed to make the decisions because they know their schools best, and because we want them to consult with their parent and pupil communities.”

The banning of phones during the school day comes as part of guidance from the previous Conservative government.

They stated it was part of a plan to “minimise disruption and improve behaviour in classrooms”.