POLITICAL and health leaders have been given an insight into what is in store for the future of eye tests at a hub based in South Woodham Ferrers.

The new Ophthalmology Diagnostic Hub showed health and political leaders how their centre will benefit patients suffering from blinding and age-related eye conditions across mid and south Essex. 

Sir John Whittingdale, MP for Maldon was joined by councillor Henry Chair of the Essex Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Daniel Doherty, Mid Essex Health Alliance and Fergus Bird of Healthwatch Essex, who saw the new clinic first-hand.

The new centre opened in August 2024 and has already provided more than 900 appointments to help diagnose glaucoma conditions

Sir John said: “I am pleased that the new ophthalmology hub is open, which is good news for residents of Maldon and surrounding areas. It’s bringing diagnostics into the community.

“This much-needed facility will help speed things up for patients and mean they can receive their vital test sooner, leading to a better experience.”

Dr Aman Chandra, Consultant Ophthalmologist at the Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust, said: “The opening of this new diagnostic hub is allowing patients to be seen much quicker than before and cut down on waiting times for potentially blinding eye conditions.

"I encourage anyone who is invited to attend an appointment to come to the centre and have your tests and checks done.”