ESSEX Police officers found 21 drivers were using their phones at the wheel of vehicles in Maldon in just one day. 

Essex Police Roads Policing Unit officers worked with partners to carry out a day of action earlier this month in Maldon, with officers targeting motorists who were breaking road laws.

In total, 58 traffic offence reports were issued that day, with the biggest group of offenders being a total of 31 people who did not wear seat belts.

The second highest number of drivers reported were those using a mobile phone while driving with 21 drivers being stopped.

One person was also caught speeding, and two drivers were also found to be driving without valid driving licences.

Road Safety and Vision Zero's joint ambition to have zero road deaths in Essex by 2040 or sooner remains a priority for Essex Police.

This means Essex Police have committed to regularly carrying out enforcement activities, proactive patrols, and speed checks with officers worked also working with other safer road partners.

To find out more about Vision Zero, visit