A WOMAN who created her own artisan coffee shop claims she has been left unemployed after being forced to close by a planning inspector.

Natasha Flynn, 50, set up Tasha’s Artisan Coffee Shop, in Kelvedon Road, Wickham Bishops, a year and a half ago, after returning to her hometown following a 13-year adventure in Australia.

Tasha was initially allowed to trade on private land with permission from the landowner, her friend Andrew Marvin who she said has been an “absolute diamond” in supporting her.

But she was later informed she needed planning permission to continue which was rejected. 

Tasha appealed the decision but it has been dismissed by an Independent Planning Inspector, meaning Tasha’s Artisan Coffee Shop has been forced to close.

Popular - Many locals enjoyed the coffee shop, and the planning inspector acknowledged it was a “popular, well used business” Popular - Many locals enjoyed the coffee shop, and the planning inspector acknowledged it was a “popular, well used business” (Image: Natasha Flynn)She said: “I wanted to make something special for people to enjoy.

“I’m a trained coffee barista, and I loved everything I did—it was my passion, my heart and soul.

“I had a vision to create that coffee shop and that’s what happened.”

Tasha’s business was “a success from week one”, with many local dog walkers and horse riders shopping for coffee and cake on their way, as well as visitors from nearby villages.

Smiles - Tasha had a vision to create her coffee shop, and loved doing itSmiles - Tasha had a vision to create her coffee shop, and loved doing it (Image: Natasha Flynn)She said: “Everyone loved my coffee shop—I had so many messages saying they loved it and thanking me for bringing it to the village.

“Children would come up on their bikes and get out a Monopoly board and read books and do art.

“People would still come out and grab coffee in the torrential rain.”  

Tasha said: “I’m very passionate, and I feel its really important to have a purpose in life and make some money, and if you can create something that makes you happy and brings an income what harm are you doing?

“Why would you take something away that the community and local people really love?”

Shut - Tasha has been forced to close her coffee shop. Shut - Tasha has been forced to close her coffee shop. (Image: Natasha Flynn) The Independent Planning Inspector said the “popular, well used business” is not in a suitable location and there was a lack of need. 

It added its appearance is “out of keeping with the natural appearance” of the site.

A spokesman for Maldon Council said: “This was an enforcement case opened in February 2023, after the Council received complaints about an unauthorised coffee van trading on land in Great Totham. 

"After an investigation, the owner submitted a planning application in April 2023.

"The planning application was refused permission, the owner then appealed to the Planning Inspectorate and the appeal was dismissed because the Inspector agreed with the Council that the development harmed the character and appearance of the area. 

"Compliance has been sought and the case is now closed.”

Thankful - Tasha has had a lot of support from locals who don't want to see her shop goThankful - Tasha has had a lot of support from locals who don't want to see her shop go (Image: Natasha Flynn) Tasha said: “What it did do was bring people together.

“I feel I lifted the community spirit, brought fun to the community, and created a beautiful vibe.”

Tasha hopes a “new miracle door” will open so that she can continue doing what she loves.

To keep up with Tasha’s Artisan Coffee Shop, visit her Facebook and Instagram pages.