A BURNHAM former footballer battling stage four bowel cancer says he has been overwhelmed by the support he has received while he undergoes treatment. 

Sam Gilbert, 42, grew up in Burnham and played as a midfielder for Burnham Ramblers FC. 

The football club is putting on a charity match to help raise funds for his treatement. 

In April, Sam was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer, with a spread to his liver, abdomen, pelvis and chest.

Sam was a midfielder for Burnham Ramblers FC Sam was a midfielder for Burnham Ramblers FC (Image: Sam Gilbert)Wanting to support their friend, Sam’s ex-teammates decided to set up a charity football match at Burnham Ramblers FC, with all funds raised going to Sam for medical treatment.

Sam said: "It's been incredible to see over 40 of my old teammates from Burnham and Billericay put their names down to play under the lights at Leslie Field

“People are flying in from Finland, Spain and Cyprus especially for it.”

As well as his ex-team mates, Sam’s friend, Tarran Townsend, will complete a fundraising challenge – raising further funds for Sam’s treatments, as well as another of his friends.

“I'm an avid sportsman and competitive, so these sporting fundraisers have been a real boost to my morale,” Sam added.

“I've just finished a gruelling nine rounds of chemotherapy at Broomfield with more planned in November at my new hospital St George's, Tooting. 

“I'm looking forward to the entertainment.”

As well as a football match, the event will see a penalty shoot out for children, food and drink, raffle, ticketed after party and live music from a London DJ.

“As much as it's to raise funds, I'm massively stoked to be seeing friends that I haven't seen for a long time and believe that sentiment is running through both.

“Sometimes it takes unfortunate circumstances for these things to come to fruition!

“It's utterly mind blowing for me how generous and giving people are - some I don't even know.

“I'm not the kind of person that likes to take centre stage or ask for help but realised I need to do whatever it takes to stay alive, so pride has to move to the side. 

“I thank each and every person who has donated, shared or fundraised for me and will never forget them.”

Sam is hoping to raise £50,000 to pay for gene therapy tests and medicine he may need in the future. 

The charity football match will be held on Friday 18 October, at Burnham Burnham Ramblers FC, doors open at 6pm.

For more information, visit gofundme.com/f/sam-gilbert-raise-funds-for-cancer-treatment