Asthma sufferers are being warned about the impact fireworks can have on their lungs ahead of Bonfire Night and Diwali celebrations.

With both events taking place this month, it’s expected that many fireworks displays will take place across the UK.

While fireworks can make for a fun night with family and friends, they can be potentially fatal to anyone who suffers from the inflammatory disease with the celebratory items able to cause reactions for asthma sufferers.

Why are fireworks potentially dangerous for asthma sufferers?

Asthma + Lung UK’s in-house GP explained that looking after your asthma can be beneficial ahead of a fireworks display.

Maldon and Burnham Standard: Asthma sufferers can help prevent symptoms by looking after their asthma wellAsthma sufferers can help prevent symptoms by looking after their asthma well (Image: Canva)

Dr Andy Whittamore said: "The most important thing is to make sure you’ve been looking after your asthma well, so you can cope better with the poor air quality at a firework display.

“You can help cut your risk of asthma symptoms and an asthma attack by always taking your preventer inhaler every day, as prescribed, going to your asthma reviews, and using a written asthma action plan."

The Asthma + Lung UK website says air pollution levels can be increased by fireworks and bonfires especially when there’s a large display such as on Bonfire Night.

The website adds: “Fireworks are made using a mix of chemicals. One of their main components is gunpowder. This means that when they are set off, they release smoke and lots of different gases.  Breathing in smoke and chemicals like this can irritate your airways and trigger your asthma symptoms.  

“Air can stay polluted for several hours after a firework display or a bonfire, especially if it’s a still night with no wind to blow the pollution away.”

Maldon and Burnham Standard: Covering your nose and mouth at firework displays can help prevent asthma symptomsCovering your nose and mouth at firework displays can help prevent asthma symptoms (Image: Getty Images)

5 tips to stay well with your asthma when watching fireworks

You should always have your reliever inhaler (usually blue) with you so you can help reduce your symptoms if the smoke affects you.

The people you’re with need to know what to do and when to get help if your symptoms suddenly get worse. A copy of your asthma action plan could be kept on your phone.

If you’re going to a big display, make sure you don’t stand too close to the bonfire and check the way the wind is blowing so you can avoid breathing in too much smoke.

Asthma symptoms can be caused by breathing in cold air so try to wear a scarf or face mask as covering your nose and mouth means the air warms up and could help prevent asthma attacks.

If you know fireworks have brought on your asthma before, try to stay indoors, especially if the air quality is already poor.

You can find out more about asthma and the effects of fireworks displays via the Asthma + Lung UK website.